Metabolic modeling for microbial processes

Applying microbial system principles to challenges ranging from renewable chemical production to microbiota-associated diseases

I am passionate about translating recent advances in microbial metabolic modeling to industrial practice. I believe that in silico modeling can accelerate innovation and expand applications of microbial technologies that benefit society.

About In Silico Fermentation
Expertise and Capabilities

Innovation across diverse microbial systems and processes

Bioreactor Process Engineering

Dynamic metabolic models for fermentation process simulation, estimation, control and optimization

Gas Fermentation

Combined metabolic-transport models of bubble column bioreactors for upgrading waste gases to platform chemicals

Mixed Microbial Cultures

Multispecies metabolic models to design, simulate and optimize microbial consortia for diverse bioconversion applications

Multispecies Biofilms

Spatiotemporal metabolic models to predict species organization and interaction in natural and engineered biofilms

Human Gut Microbiome

Community metabolic models to translate measured taxa compositions into predicted metabolic capabilities

Disease-Associated Communities

Sample-specific metabolic models to differentiate healthy and disease states in diverse human microbiomes

Collaboration and Partnerships

Customized consulting, research and development, and training solutions

Experience and Accomplishments

Important contributions to engineering applications of metabolic modeling

Mike Henson

Founder and Principal

News and Updates

Updates on the exciting progess of In Silico Fermentation!

Free Release of STBRtutorial MATLAB Application

In Silico Fermentation is pleased to announce the release of STBRtutorial, a free MATLAB application that provides two step-by-step tutorials that demonstrate how operating policies affect stirred tank bioreactor (STBR) dynamic behavior. Using a simplified metabolic model of Escherichia coli central metabolism, students are guided through an intuitive workflow in which they consider important aspects […]

Free Release of SynComSim MATLAB Application

In Silico Fermentation has been developing freely downloadable MATLAB applications that streamline the utilization of microbial metabolic modeling methods. Our previous three applications, MediumFBA, InSilicoKO and STBRsim, already have over 400 downloads since the first release in February, 2024. Now we are pleased to announce the release of SynComSim, a free MATLAB application that enables […]

STBRsim Version 1.1 Now Freely Downloadable

Last month, In Silico Fermentation released STBRsim version1.0, a freely downloadable MATLAB application for Stirred Tank BioReactor (STBR) simulation using genome-scale metabolic models. STBRsim is a GUI tool that generates dynamic predictions of extracellular variables including biomass, substrate and product concentrations and liquid/gas phase volumes for user-specified reactor conditions and liquid/gas feeding strategies. Based on […]

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